Prevention and screening
Eye for Zambia will help with the prevention and treatment of trachoma
and make screening for school children possible
Trachoma is an infectious disease of the eye affecting millions.
65% of people with trachoma live in Africa.
Trachoma is a painful reoccuring eye infection that can lead to blindness.
Trachoma starts with a red eye, reoccuring infections which leads to scarring,
which causes the eye lashes to grow inward and damage the eye. This can
lead to blindness.
Trachoma can be passed from mother to child with a simple hug
Trachoma is a disease occurring when many people live close together,
have poor hygine and little water. The disease is spread through personal
contact and flies. Worldwide 80% of people with trachoma live in only 14
countries. 13 of these countries are in Africa, and Zambia is one of them.
Trachoma can be easily treated with antibiotics and washing the face
Treatment in a later stage is more complicated. Eye surgery is needed to
correct the eye lashes that are growing inward. Eye For Zambia will, while
working with the health care workers, emphasize prevention of trachoma
through awareness and treatment with antibiotics so hopefully an eye lid
surgery will not be necessary and blindness can be prevented.
Screening programs for school children to detect an uncorrected refractive error
It is expected that 6% of high school students need glasses to be able to
do well in school. Yet for most of the children there is no possibility of
getting glasses
80 % of what a child learns comes through using their eyes
Screening will take place at schools while Eye for Zambia will work together with
the school leaders and health workers. The children with vision problems will be
referred to the eye clinic where they can get new glasses according to their needs.